Monday 24 February 2014


Words are very strong. Things are best expressed through words. People get to express how they feel through words in various ways. Some through blogging, some very talented folks would do it by writing a novel, let their imaginations run wild. Some others would go by song writing etc. Though I would really like to go through four- lettered words in particular for today's post. Somehow, all four-lettered words all are very fascinating and strong with such deep meanings and emotions. It's amazing how the word 'WORD' itself is a four-lettered word and how people put together a lot of these words and make a difference. There are a quite a few that are very common, for example;the word 'KIDS', the word 'WARM', the word 'SOUL' and so on. Then there are the ones which are deep and so very emotional and are very commonly out there such as 'SOUL' that forms when we take our first breath and then 'LOVE' through which we care, nurture, admire and trust loved ones and then there's 'HATE' through which again we express our anger to the not-so-loved ones and then comes the one that a majority out of the 6.9 billion people in the world experience and that is 'PAIN' and that's really what I want to focus on here for today.

Now, just because I'm focusing on pain doesn't necessarily mean it has to somehow relate to me! Thank the good Lord, I am not experiencing any sort of 'pain' whatsoever. So a lot of you are probably wondering (or even probably talking to the screen) "Then why do you want to talk about it so badly?". Well you see, the reason I came up with this topic is because what I have seen, heard and felt. We'll start with the 'felt' part first, which by the way would make it more clear that I'm talking about pain that people experience mentally and not physically. Well yes, physical pain is pretty painful but it's the mental pain that makes you go beyond limits. [Ok! Ok! Jeesh! I'll get to the point!]

Well I did previously mention that I am not experiencing any pain and that I am happy but I think it would be only fair if I shared a bit of my past 'painful' experiences. Starting off, with my mother's passing away, which, I am sure a quite few of you are very well aware of.My mother's death came as quite a bit of a shock to me. I'm sure it did to everyone! But as a child, who believed so strongly that somehow no one in my family can die, it was a terrible shock. I still remember how I understood what everyone meant when they said "She left us!" but I just could NOT take it in. It was like my brain just couldn't process that piece of information. I still tried to believe that the 'SHE' was someone else and not my mother. It took me awhile. But gradually the words did start to sink in and my brain eventually did process the fact that the 'SHE' was none other my mother and she was DEAD, which leads us to our other strong four-lettered word. See? How just saying dead sounds so raw and just out there? That's exactly the feeling I had! How could my mother just be dead?! That was the first ever pain that I've felt in nine years and trust me it wasn't light. After that horrible I-don't-know- what-to-call-it had happened, I came to India for PERMANENT stay. The lifestyle and the school and the people everything was just so different and overwhelming! To adjust and get used to it was really quite the task and it kind of still is but mucchh better now! Yes, I have had other quite mentally painful experiences but we don't want to get too personal now, do we? MOVING ON..

Now I'll tell you about what I've seen. There's not much to what I've seen but I would like to talk about 'bullies'. Quite a few people get bullied and that's another topic that I will talk about more on the next post( just don't know when). For those of you who do not know what 'bullying' is, let me explain. 'Bullying is aggressive, unwanted behaviour among school children. The behaviour is repeated or has the potential to be repeated over time. Bullying includes attacking someone physically or verbally. To put it in simple words, bullying is when you constantly keep picking on someone just simply because you believe you are better, smarter, stronger than them. Bullying is what we would refer to as 'Ragging' here in India. The small difference is ragging happens more commonly in college whereas bullying ALWAYS happen in school. Bullying/ Ragging has great effect on children. It leads to various amounts of problems. More than the physical abuse it's the verbal abuse that seems to leave such an impact. If the impact is big enough, it could lead to suicide. A great mass of lives were taken due to ragging/bullying all at or under the age of 19( at least from what I know). Sure we were wandering around as little kids telling people, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Though, I guess that in a particular way it is true because words don't just hurt, they scar. Leading us to another two deep and painful four-lettered words! This all happened because of the uncontrollable amount of pain emotionally.

Well that's all I've got to say about 'PAIN' for now. I have to apologize though for posting just an emotional and deeep post after all those fun and childish ones. I hope after you read this post you don't end up with that unexplainable weird feeling you get after reading great novels or watching an inspiring film (Not saying my posts are very novel-like or inspiring! Just saying you know!).  I really hope to do something good and make in a change in the future about bullying/ ragging. The fact that it can lead to various amount of things (which I will more specifically write about in my next post) is just such a tragedy. Very honestly, after watching videos and a reading a few articles also has left a bit of an impact with me. You could always do you're little bit and help change the world. (Now I'm just going a bit over the fence!)

I will try to keep publishing more posts at a regular basis. Till then AU REVOIR!

Keep smiling and take care! :)
