Thursday 17 April 2014

Short Forms and Internet Slang

I haven't had a clue on what to blog about but not because I didn't know what to blog about, but because I had tooo many ideas and was confused on what to which topic to pick! 

Laziness is yet another reason. So to keep this very simple yet somehow helpful, I decided to tell you all folks about short forms and internet slang. The older generation have a hard time figuring it out so I made up my mind to tell you the full forms of the abbreviated words and tell you what some sentences actually mean. 

I don't quite know alll of it and I don't remember much of it either so I might miss out on a few, so forgive me if what you wanted was not on the list. 

G2G or GTG- Got to go

ASAP- As soon as possible

AFK- Away from keyboard

B4- Before

RYS- Are you single? [I personally never known that people used this but it seems to be common. It can also sometimes mean 'Are you serious?']

LOL- Laugh out loud

ROFL- Roll on the floor laughing

IKR- I know right?

IDC- I don't care; IDK- I don't know

DIY- Do it yourself.

WTF- What the ****? [I need to clear this out. Majority of the adults somehow came to believe that WTF meant 'Well that's fantastic!'. It is NOT what you think. So kindly refrain from using too often.] 

FTW- For the win.

TBH- To be honest

A3- Anywhere, anyplace, anytime

A1T- Anyone there?

GR8 and L8TR- Great and Later

ATM- At the moment

OTP- One True Pairing

GIF- Graphics interchange format. [I don't quite understand this, it's still a bit confusing but from what I think, it's basically making an image that moves over and over again in one particular way.]

Shipping- When you want to people to be in a relationship. For example "I ship 'Brangelina'," [Meaning you want Bradd Pitt and Angelina Jolie to be in a relationship]

Well folks, that's all I could remember. Apologies if anything was rude, vulgar or offensive. 2-3 were from my trustee friend Google and not quite sure if they were used but they seemed to be common phrases so I managed to squeeze that in as well. Hope it helped cleared some of your doubts. 

If you think I left something out or got something wrong, tell me in the comments. Hopefully, next time my post will be of something more meaningful. Till then Au Revoir! 

Take care and keep smiling :) 



Saturday 5 April 2014

Weird Obsessions

I just recently realized that the blog's title is 'Me, Myself and My life' but I haven't really written anything about me, apart from the 'Huge Introduction'. So I thought maybe I should do a post on me and help you know little more about me!

From my 'Huge Introduction' many of you would have realized how weird I am. [If you didn't, now you know] It's like I was born that way.  Crazy, shy, social and weird. Not only am I weird, I have weird obsessions as well. Here are a few that I can remember.

My weird obsession over Youtube. Now it's not the fact I am obsessed with Youtube that's weird,it's the fact that somehow it's not normal. One fact that adds up to the weirdness is, if I'm on Youtube for more than an hour, I end up watching the most random things and end up loving it. For example, Guilty Cats compilation 2013. Nothing very astonishing about it but still I love it.

The next one is cleaning my nails. You'd all think it's not that bad, it actually good and hygienic, point is, I do it too often. Even when I've cut my nails and have no nails, I would be trying to pick the 'invisible' dirt out of them.

I did mention in my intro that I loved kitchen playsets. I'm 16 years old and if anyone got me a kitchen playset now, I would throw myself at it and start cooking for you, invisible yet delicious meals. [Notice how I said DELICIOUS]. The kitchen playset isn't very age appropriate. Well atleast not for me. Though, can't help it, obsessed.

Scribbling! Whenever I see a pen and a paper, it doesn't necessarily have to be just a paper, it could be a book, newspaper, magazine any writable thing, I get this itch to start scribbling. Just because of this one soul reason that I have a pen and I can write something with it makes me just scribble the most random crap. Weirdly enough, the things that I doodle or scribble 95% of time is hearts, flowers,weird wavy lines [to check if the pen works] and obviously my name. 

I am obsessed with cute little bottles and boxes. These bottles and boxes can vary from a cute little water bottle to nail-polish bottles. I would just buy a nail-polish because the bottle looks cute and would not use the real thing at all. That's why it's weird. Though, if you come home expecting some sort of huge bottle and box collection you wouldn't really find any. 

A dirty room annoys the hell out of me! Just like the scribbling, when I see a messy room, I get an itch to clean it! No matter whatever I'm doing and how important it may be, unless the room is cleaned I can NOT be at peace! Bit of an OCD case at times.

There's definitely plenty more but that's all I remember for now. When I remember more, I'll update the post! I'm sure I'm not the only weird one. Lots of you are weird too. Being an adult doesn't make any difference.

Anywayss jokes apart, if you have any weird obsession feel free to comment! Who knows? You might be a fellow weirdo! 

Keep smiling and take care. :) 


Monday 24 March 2014

Bullies, Abuse and Self-harm

 The most awaited post is finally here! [Or so I believe it was awaited]. Though it makes me want to sort of cringe to talk about it I still have the strong urge to. The fact that several teens are out there thinking about ending their lives at this very moment and that the soul reason is because they're being bullied is crazy.

I had mentioned in my earlier post that bullying was a serious issue and many had taken their lives because of it. It sickens me to know that somehow people get pleasure out of hurting someone else. We're all human beings! No has the right to hurt anyone else.Bullying is mostly taken out in either one of the two ways, one is physical abuse and other is verbal abuse.

We human beings, hate being humiliated in public, yet still tend to do it to others. Though bullying takes humiliation to an aggressive level. A more violent way. Kids come home from school with a black eye, a bleeding wound, a big ugly bruise. Thankfully, not every child is going through it. As terrible as the physical abuse is, verbal abuse is worse. A scar on the outside can treated, healed even. The scar on the inside though, not very easily. [I can be cheesy sometimes]

Children are called fat, dumb, whore, gay etc. You're probably gasping just looking at these words but those poor kids listen to it everyday. It's worse that their helpless about it and can't seem to fight back. Schools don't seem to be taking this issue as serious as it is. It's really frustrating! If the school itself took these issues in their hands and punished bullies accordingly, the rate of bullying would have gone down by now. There's alot of videos on Youtube titled 'You know my name, not my story.' Basically, it's about teens telling the world about their story on being bullied by using flashcards.

Amanda Todd, was a teen girl who made a similar video on how she was bullied AND cyberbullied. I later on learned that she had died. She suicided. I never knew her personally but it was a bit of a shock. It was so sudden. 

Now, certain kids aren't as brave to suicide instead they find relief in cutting themselves. Apparently, matching the inner pain with the outer helps them cope. This is a yet another serious problem. Self-harming can go to the extreme where even the slightest thing that upsets them can make them cut. What's worse is, they self-harm with anything and anywhere on body. That's very dangerous. 

Though a few children are lucky enough because they have good, loving parents that show them immense amount of love, so they atleast have a good life at home. Unfortunately, not all are that lucky. Some unfortunate kids, have to deal with the bullies and the parents. Some parents are alcoholic, some going through a divorce, some molest their own kids [which is horrifying]. 

I think you've read enough and I've typed enough. Though the whole point of this is, if you're a person who's being bullied or you have a friend who's being bullied, just tell somebody. Do whatever you can to help them. If you need a friend to talk to, always here! :) 

This is probably the most serious post ever! But, I needed to spread the word! Everyone be aware! Please do you're best to help if you know someone being bullied. 

Anyyways keep smiling and take care! :)


Saturday 22 March 2014

Fault in Our Stars

To all those book-readers out there, you're in luck today! Some of you probably figured what I was going to talk about by looking at the title. Well, good guess! You are absolutely correct! I'm talking about best-selling novel 'The Fault in Our Stars' by John Greene.

For those of you unfortunate souls that has not heard of the book, well now you've heard of it! And I highly recommend you read it too.

The book is just amazing. It's only 25 chapters long so it won't take much of your time. I finished the book in just a day. [Maybe I'm just really jobless]. I'm sure you might like it. The book is from a cancer patient's perspective named Hazel Grace Lancaster. Obviously, since it has cancer involved in it, it's emotional and very touching. Yes, it's one of those books that leaves you with that 'feeling' after you've read it.

Though, I don't get what the hype was all about. It IS a great book but I guess it was a bit exaggerated. A few may agree to this. I guess it was just the hype that made you expect too much and then when you've finished reading, you realize it's just a simple, beautiful book. Whatever it is, I loved the book and I wanted to share it with you all.

The book was also made into a motion picture. I haven't really watched the movie. I'm afraid the movie may not do justice to the novel. People who have watched movies that were made from novels would understand. [We share a mutual feeling] Though I am a bit curious to see what the movie is like. If you've watched the movie please do tell me.

The amazingly crazy thing is that the author 'John Greene' has written only FOUR novels. One of them named 'Looking for Alaska' turned out be a best-selling book and then came 'Fault in Our Stars'. John Greene is actually a nerdy Youtuber! Which is the most surprising part of it all!

Anyhowsss, I hope you all get yourselves a copy and start reading because it's beautiful. There's a sick urge wanting me to give away a lot of details but I don't  want to spoil it for you. Hope you love the book just as much I did. Feel free to leave a comment telling me your opinion on the book.

Take care and keep smiling! :)


Sunday 9 March 2014

Flappy Bird!

A lot of people love certain things. Love can grow to an extent where it becomes an addiction. Many people get addicted to different things. Some get addicted to alcohol, smoking and drugs. Some get addicted to make-up, shoes, clothes. Some get addicted to games and well in my case, get addicted to 'Flappy Bird'. 

Now I'm not a person who's into games and it's highly unlikely for me to get addicted to any of them. Though, recently there has been this big thing on Youtube of people reacting to 'Flappy Bird'. At first I didn't understand anything at all. It seemed peculiar. It was later after a while I discovered that Flappy Bird was a game and it was very famous. It was released on May, 2013 and somehow became really popular in 2014. In about a few months, millions of people had downloaded the game!

The game is actually based on a very simple content. The main objective of the game is to keep tapping on the screen to keep the bird flying through sets of pipes without colliding into them. If the screen is not tapped, the bird will fall and that will end the game. People will earn points on the number of pipes they've successfully passed. Apparently if you reach 50 points, plants will come out through the pipes and try to eat you and 100 points will bring Mario into the game. [Or so I'm told]

The funny fact of the game is, it looks very easy but in reality it's not as easy as it looks and is quite a task to even reach the score of 10! [Looks certainly can be deceiving] What's funnier is, even though it's extremely frustrating when the bird bumps into the pipes, there's a sick urge to keep playing it over and over again! That sick urge is what develops into an addiction. It took a WHOLE DAY for me to get used to playing the game and I'm not even joking but my highest score is 10! For those of you, who are probably now very eager to download the game, I'll give you a heads up, that at first you might get really stressed out. A few people actually might be pretty good from the beginning of the game. 

Maybe a few of you already know about the game and are still playing it. But for those of you, who are now wanting to download the game, remember you can't get the original version. Apparently, the creator of 'Flappy Bird', Mr. Nguyen Ha Dong felt really guilty about the game and it's addictive nature, so he took down the game from Apple's App stores and Google Play stores. Though, a lot of people have copied the idea and the closest thing that you could get to 'Flappy Bird' would probably be 'Floppy Bird' or 'Splashy Fish'. I also have to apologise in advance for introducing you to the game. It is VERY addictive. Plus I'm sure many of you are now probably itching to download the game! [Your welcome!] 

Anyways if you've already got the game or you just downloaded and started playing recently, tell me how many points did you get? And what you think of the game! And by the way, Happy Women's Day to all the beautiful, amazing, inspirational women out there! 

Fun fact:
Nguyen Ha Dong- Creator of Flappy Bird received death threats after tweeting that Flappy Bird was going to be taken down. 

Keep smiling and take care :)


Thursday 6 March 2014

Horror movies

Okay! Okay! I am very disappointing, I agree. I don't ever think I'm going to be posting about 'bullying' anytime soon. But I will post it! You got my word! 

Now some of you are probably looking at the title and getting all excited! Because come on, let's face it, no matter how scared you get by watching horror movies you still love the thrill of it. It's funny how some people watch horror movies despite the fact that they're probably going to be alone for the next week or can't take a bath for a month! But I guess that's the whole point to horror movies! It's like the directors have a competition on how long they can keep a person scared and then direct the movie accordingly.

If you've noticed every horror movie follows a certain pattern. No matter how good the movie is, you'll realize they all seem to lack common sense. Things that people do in horror movies, people would never dare to do in reality! And that's exactly what I'm going to be talking about. Things that people do ONLY in horror movies! 

1.Moving into the new house: Now if you've watched a lot of horror movies you would have noticed, atleast half of the movies begin off with the family moving into a new house. That's fine. Everyone moves into new houses! What I don't get is, why would they buy a house that's in the middle of nowhere? Literally nowhere! No neighbours! No people! Okay. Fine. You decided you wanted peace and quiet. That's acceptable I suppose. But then again, it's so clear that the house looks more darker and more scary compared to all the others houses! And you've clearly heard the rumour about the house being haunted! Yet they decide to move in!

2. The weird noises: After moving in, eventually after a few days the ghosts get impatient and want you to know they're there and they start making noises. Trust me, if I heard a weird noise, 12 in the night, I would be so scared and not move out of my bed till I see daylight. The people in the movie know it's WEIRD noises and yet they feel the need to investigate! 

3. The lights: Following the 'weird' noises is bad enough. Since it's a horror movie it's obvious the noise is going to come from the DARK ROOM! But somehow those people seem to lack common sense to switch on the light and decide to walk around with a candle, which obviously goes out a few seconds after entering the room. I'm sure all of you switch on the light before you go into a room even without hearing weird noises. Seriously, who just walks around the house without switching on the light? Apparently, they do.

4. The enquiry: Now since they were obviously brave enough to follow the noise and go inside the room with no lights, they obviously have the tendency to be polite and ask "Is anybody there?" First of all there's not going to be 'weird' noises without anyone being there. Second of all even if the ghost was there it isn't very likely for the ghost to say "Yeah I'm here in the kitchen! Want a sandwich?" I just don't understand why they would do that.

5. The ghost-hunting crew: It's has become quite obvious after few days of continuous paranormal activity that the house is haunted and there's a ghost trying to kill them. Instead of running for their life and moving out of the house, they just have to call the ghost-hunting crew [or whatever they're called]. It's funny even how in the middle of nowhere there's a ghost-hunting crew. Everyone knows that when they come, as soon as they step foot into the house, they're going to 'feel' the 'dark spirit'. All that those people are going to do is just confirm that there's a ghost and it's very BAD! [It's obviously not Casper- The friendly ghost] Yet,the brave souls decide to stay in the same house.

6.The recording: Okay so they've already called the 'ghost crew' who confirmed that there's a VERY DARK SOUL trying to kill them. Why would anyone just move out of the house because a ghost is trying to kill them? Why not just stay there and film the ghost? And that's EXACTLY what they do! It's like these people are purposely trying to provoke the ghost. Who in the right mind would do that?! It's pretty obvious the house is haunted so eventually when you replay the 'recorded tape' in the morning there's going to be a ghost! No use in being frightened then! 

7. Splitting up: So everything is perfectly terrible. What do you do now? Of course! Split up! Go your separate ways so the ghost has absolutely no chance of killing you. Atleast if they were in a group and one guy was murdered the rest would be aware! By the time that ghost was occupied killing the other guy, they could've run. But that's just sensible. Can't be sensible in horror movies. It's a crime.

Well that's all I can think about for now! Though all this is just for entertainment purposes and no one really is that stupid [or brave] it still does kind of annoy me. But it's still super fun and I loovee it! What better than a bowl of popcorn and non-logical, thrilling horror movie? 

So if you agree with all the stupidity, leave a comment below and tell me some not-so-sensible things you noticed when you watched a horror movie! 

Fun fact:
Man passed out watching 'The Exorcist' in 1974 and sued Warner Bros. 

Keep smiling and take care! :) 


Tuesday 4 March 2014


Great day today! Good enough to blog about stuff! In my previous post, I did mention that this post is going to be about bullying and things that revolve around it. Unfortunately, I've kept that for the next post. Sorry folks! I just thought after a deep, quite emotional post, it might be better to have a little more fun post!

Everyone has dreams! Some quite often, some not that often. There are one which are weird and some that seem very vivid, while some which make absolutely no sense and have the least bit of common sense in it that it even makes you wonder if there's something wrong with you. I've had quite a few dreams like that. Trust me, they're very bizarre. But it's fun to dream! It's like you're own personal little world full of fun,stupid,crazily amazing things stored in the back of you're subconscious mind, which when put to work,makes it seems like reality for awhile in your sleep.

I've heard a lot of people say that most things that happen in your dreams, are somehow related to things you think of very often during the waking day. Now, I don't really believe that! Like I told you, I have really bizarre dreams and they have absolutely nothing to do with anything that I think about during the day. Though I do believe it could be something to do with the books I read or videos/movies I watch. For example, I read this one book called "The Secret of Crickley Hall" which is basically a supernatural thriller novel by James Herbert. If you're a 'reader' then I highly recommend the book for you, it's really good.[But if you're not into horror then I don't think it's a good idea] The way the author had written the book and portrayed the characters was just very realistic. The point is, I was so into the book and loved it so much that I actually had a dream with the characters and the ghost from the book. Thinking of it now is really hilarious but at that moment, when I just woke up from the dream it was terrifying! So I'm not sure if it was a nightmare or a dream. Basically what had happened was the 'ghost' was asking me for 'Lily Peel' who was the psychic character in the book. Obviously, I didn't know where 'Lily' was so the 'ghost' decided to break my back bone. [Thank you ghost. Who needs a back bone right?] Like I said, BIZARRE.

Not all of my dreams are that crazy. There are some nice ones which seem to be sensible. I've dreamt of sitting in parks, watching the sunset and some stuff like that. There are also some other few dreams that are pretty relatable and I just figured out a few weeks earlier that it wasn't just me but quite a lot of people have had the same dream! I don't know how many of you reading have had this but I had quite a lot when I was a kid. I would dream that I already got up and was getting ready for school in the EXACT same routine I would do in reality. It was when someone would wake me up, I would realize that it was a dream and I'm actually 10 minutes late. [I always get up late] Now this is quite embarrassing but then again I'm not the only one. I used to dream as a child that I needed to go the bathroom and so I would go to the bathroom just to wake up to find that I have wetted the bed. [You may stop laughing now] A lot of kids have had this dream atleast once, so for parents who were really mad at you're kids for messing up you're bedsheets, this is the story behind it. [Or so I believe.]

You know how people say that dreams are better than reality? Just imagine if you could make your dreams more realistic! If you could control your dreams? Well guess what? There are a few who have the great ability to do so by lucid dreaming. For those of you who are wondering what it is, let me explain. Basically 'Lucid Dreaming' is just pretty much you dreaming as always and BAM you realize that you're dreaming and can start controlling your dream! Lucid dreaming has been on my 'To-do-list' for quite some time now! Though it's not that easy to do. To lucid dream, it takes a LOT of patience. You don't just sleep and realize you're dreaming! If you're interested and seem to have the time and all here's a link on 'Lucid Dreaming for Beginners'  .It was from the same website that I learnt, somehow practising something whilst lucid dreaming makes you do the thing better in reality. It sound insane but it works! For example, if you practice your Karate moves during a lucid dream you literally improve during the waking day! Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the link to that page. Sorry folks! 

But lucid dreaming, normal dreaming whatever it may be, dreaming is amazing and I am VERY thankful that I'm not a zombie! Proves how our mind works in mysterious wayssss! 

So why don't you share some of your weird dreams? It'd be cool to read!  And I will try to post about the bullying and all. Till then, SAYONARA!

Keep smiling and take care! :) 


Monday 24 February 2014


Words are very strong. Things are best expressed through words. People get to express how they feel through words in various ways. Some through blogging, some very talented folks would do it by writing a novel, let their imaginations run wild. Some others would go by song writing etc. Though I would really like to go through four- lettered words in particular for today's post. Somehow, all four-lettered words all are very fascinating and strong with such deep meanings and emotions. It's amazing how the word 'WORD' itself is a four-lettered word and how people put together a lot of these words and make a difference. There are a quite a few that are very common, for example;the word 'KIDS', the word 'WARM', the word 'SOUL' and so on. Then there are the ones which are deep and so very emotional and are very commonly out there such as 'SOUL' that forms when we take our first breath and then 'LOVE' through which we care, nurture, admire and trust loved ones and then there's 'HATE' through which again we express our anger to the not-so-loved ones and then comes the one that a majority out of the 6.9 billion people in the world experience and that is 'PAIN' and that's really what I want to focus on here for today.

Now, just because I'm focusing on pain doesn't necessarily mean it has to somehow relate to me! Thank the good Lord, I am not experiencing any sort of 'pain' whatsoever. So a lot of you are probably wondering (or even probably talking to the screen) "Then why do you want to talk about it so badly?". Well you see, the reason I came up with this topic is because what I have seen, heard and felt. We'll start with the 'felt' part first, which by the way would make it more clear that I'm talking about pain that people experience mentally and not physically. Well yes, physical pain is pretty painful but it's the mental pain that makes you go beyond limits. [Ok! Ok! Jeesh! I'll get to the point!]

Well I did previously mention that I am not experiencing any pain and that I am happy but I think it would be only fair if I shared a bit of my past 'painful' experiences. Starting off, with my mother's passing away, which, I am sure a quite few of you are very well aware of.My mother's death came as quite a bit of a shock to me. I'm sure it did to everyone! But as a child, who believed so strongly that somehow no one in my family can die, it was a terrible shock. I still remember how I understood what everyone meant when they said "She left us!" but I just could NOT take it in. It was like my brain just couldn't process that piece of information. I still tried to believe that the 'SHE' was someone else and not my mother. It took me awhile. But gradually the words did start to sink in and my brain eventually did process the fact that the 'SHE' was none other my mother and she was DEAD, which leads us to our other strong four-lettered word. See? How just saying dead sounds so raw and just out there? That's exactly the feeling I had! How could my mother just be dead?! That was the first ever pain that I've felt in nine years and trust me it wasn't light. After that horrible I-don't-know- what-to-call-it had happened, I came to India for PERMANENT stay. The lifestyle and the school and the people everything was just so different and overwhelming! To adjust and get used to it was really quite the task and it kind of still is but mucchh better now! Yes, I have had other quite mentally painful experiences but we don't want to get too personal now, do we? MOVING ON..

Now I'll tell you about what I've seen. There's not much to what I've seen but I would like to talk about 'bullies'. Quite a few people get bullied and that's another topic that I will talk about more on the next post( just don't know when). For those of you who do not know what 'bullying' is, let me explain. 'Bullying is aggressive, unwanted behaviour among school children. The behaviour is repeated or has the potential to be repeated over time. Bullying includes attacking someone physically or verbally. To put it in simple words, bullying is when you constantly keep picking on someone just simply because you believe you are better, smarter, stronger than them. Bullying is what we would refer to as 'Ragging' here in India. The small difference is ragging happens more commonly in college whereas bullying ALWAYS happen in school. Bullying/ Ragging has great effect on children. It leads to various amounts of problems. More than the physical abuse it's the verbal abuse that seems to leave such an impact. If the impact is big enough, it could lead to suicide. A great mass of lives were taken due to ragging/bullying all at or under the age of 19( at least from what I know). Sure we were wandering around as little kids telling people, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Though, I guess that in a particular way it is true because words don't just hurt, they scar. Leading us to another two deep and painful four-lettered words! This all happened because of the uncontrollable amount of pain emotionally.

Well that's all I've got to say about 'PAIN' for now. I have to apologize though for posting just an emotional and deeep post after all those fun and childish ones. I hope after you read this post you don't end up with that unexplainable weird feeling you get after reading great novels or watching an inspiring film (Not saying my posts are very novel-like or inspiring! Just saying you know!).  I really hope to do something good and make in a change in the future about bullying/ ragging. The fact that it can lead to various amount of things (which I will more specifically write about in my next post) is just such a tragedy. Very honestly, after watching videos and a reading a few articles also has left a bit of an impact with me. You could always do you're little bit and help change the world. (Now I'm just going a bit over the fence!)

I will try to keep publishing more posts at a regular basis. Till then AU REVOIR!

Keep smiling and take care! :)
