Monday 24 March 2014

Bullies, Abuse and Self-harm

 The most awaited post is finally here! [Or so I believe it was awaited]. Though it makes me want to sort of cringe to talk about it I still have the strong urge to. The fact that several teens are out there thinking about ending their lives at this very moment and that the soul reason is because they're being bullied is crazy.

I had mentioned in my earlier post that bullying was a serious issue and many had taken their lives because of it. It sickens me to know that somehow people get pleasure out of hurting someone else. We're all human beings! No has the right to hurt anyone else.Bullying is mostly taken out in either one of the two ways, one is physical abuse and other is verbal abuse.

We human beings, hate being humiliated in public, yet still tend to do it to others. Though bullying takes humiliation to an aggressive level. A more violent way. Kids come home from school with a black eye, a bleeding wound, a big ugly bruise. Thankfully, not every child is going through it. As terrible as the physical abuse is, verbal abuse is worse. A scar on the outside can treated, healed even. The scar on the inside though, not very easily. [I can be cheesy sometimes]

Children are called fat, dumb, whore, gay etc. You're probably gasping just looking at these words but those poor kids listen to it everyday. It's worse that their helpless about it and can't seem to fight back. Schools don't seem to be taking this issue as serious as it is. It's really frustrating! If the school itself took these issues in their hands and punished bullies accordingly, the rate of bullying would have gone down by now. There's alot of videos on Youtube titled 'You know my name, not my story.' Basically, it's about teens telling the world about their story on being bullied by using flashcards.

Amanda Todd, was a teen girl who made a similar video on how she was bullied AND cyberbullied. I later on learned that she had died. She suicided. I never knew her personally but it was a bit of a shock. It was so sudden. 

Now, certain kids aren't as brave to suicide instead they find relief in cutting themselves. Apparently, matching the inner pain with the outer helps them cope. This is a yet another serious problem. Self-harming can go to the extreme where even the slightest thing that upsets them can make them cut. What's worse is, they self-harm with anything and anywhere on body. That's very dangerous. 

Though a few children are lucky enough because they have good, loving parents that show them immense amount of love, so they atleast have a good life at home. Unfortunately, not all are that lucky. Some unfortunate kids, have to deal with the bullies and the parents. Some parents are alcoholic, some going through a divorce, some molest their own kids [which is horrifying]. 

I think you've read enough and I've typed enough. Though the whole point of this is, if you're a person who's being bullied or you have a friend who's being bullied, just tell somebody. Do whatever you can to help them. If you need a friend to talk to, always here! :) 

This is probably the most serious post ever! But, I needed to spread the word! Everyone be aware! Please do you're best to help if you know someone being bullied. 

Anyyways keep smiling and take care! :)



  1. Thats a good one darling!

    Hope I am not bullying you much :-)

    Good to see your blog after a break

    1. You are not bullying me wappa. -.-'
      Yeah, it feels nice to be blogging.

  2. Jezi , I am being bullied. What to do? ;-)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I have a strong feeling you're the one bullying someone else.

  3. Good one, Jezi.
    I will recommend my daughter to read it. She just started 9th grade.
