Thursday 6 March 2014

Horror movies

Okay! Okay! I am very disappointing, I agree. I don't ever think I'm going to be posting about 'bullying' anytime soon. But I will post it! You got my word! 

Now some of you are probably looking at the title and getting all excited! Because come on, let's face it, no matter how scared you get by watching horror movies you still love the thrill of it. It's funny how some people watch horror movies despite the fact that they're probably going to be alone for the next week or can't take a bath for a month! But I guess that's the whole point to horror movies! It's like the directors have a competition on how long they can keep a person scared and then direct the movie accordingly.

If you've noticed every horror movie follows a certain pattern. No matter how good the movie is, you'll realize they all seem to lack common sense. Things that people do in horror movies, people would never dare to do in reality! And that's exactly what I'm going to be talking about. Things that people do ONLY in horror movies! 

1.Moving into the new house: Now if you've watched a lot of horror movies you would have noticed, atleast half of the movies begin off with the family moving into a new house. That's fine. Everyone moves into new houses! What I don't get is, why would they buy a house that's in the middle of nowhere? Literally nowhere! No neighbours! No people! Okay. Fine. You decided you wanted peace and quiet. That's acceptable I suppose. But then again, it's so clear that the house looks more darker and more scary compared to all the others houses! And you've clearly heard the rumour about the house being haunted! Yet they decide to move in!

2. The weird noises: After moving in, eventually after a few days the ghosts get impatient and want you to know they're there and they start making noises. Trust me, if I heard a weird noise, 12 in the night, I would be so scared and not move out of my bed till I see daylight. The people in the movie know it's WEIRD noises and yet they feel the need to investigate! 

3. The lights: Following the 'weird' noises is bad enough. Since it's a horror movie it's obvious the noise is going to come from the DARK ROOM! But somehow those people seem to lack common sense to switch on the light and decide to walk around with a candle, which obviously goes out a few seconds after entering the room. I'm sure all of you switch on the light before you go into a room even without hearing weird noises. Seriously, who just walks around the house without switching on the light? Apparently, they do.

4. The enquiry: Now since they were obviously brave enough to follow the noise and go inside the room with no lights, they obviously have the tendency to be polite and ask "Is anybody there?" First of all there's not going to be 'weird' noises without anyone being there. Second of all even if the ghost was there it isn't very likely for the ghost to say "Yeah I'm here in the kitchen! Want a sandwich?" I just don't understand why they would do that.

5. The ghost-hunting crew: It's has become quite obvious after few days of continuous paranormal activity that the house is haunted and there's a ghost trying to kill them. Instead of running for their life and moving out of the house, they just have to call the ghost-hunting crew [or whatever they're called]. It's funny even how in the middle of nowhere there's a ghost-hunting crew. Everyone knows that when they come, as soon as they step foot into the house, they're going to 'feel' the 'dark spirit'. All that those people are going to do is just confirm that there's a ghost and it's very BAD! [It's obviously not Casper- The friendly ghost] Yet,the brave souls decide to stay in the same house.

6.The recording: Okay so they've already called the 'ghost crew' who confirmed that there's a VERY DARK SOUL trying to kill them. Why would anyone just move out of the house because a ghost is trying to kill them? Why not just stay there and film the ghost? And that's EXACTLY what they do! It's like these people are purposely trying to provoke the ghost. Who in the right mind would do that?! It's pretty obvious the house is haunted so eventually when you replay the 'recorded tape' in the morning there's going to be a ghost! No use in being frightened then! 

7. Splitting up: So everything is perfectly terrible. What do you do now? Of course! Split up! Go your separate ways so the ghost has absolutely no chance of killing you. Atleast if they were in a group and one guy was murdered the rest would be aware! By the time that ghost was occupied killing the other guy, they could've run. But that's just sensible. Can't be sensible in horror movies. It's a crime.

Well that's all I can think about for now! Though all this is just for entertainment purposes and no one really is that stupid [or brave] it still does kind of annoy me. But it's still super fun and I loovee it! What better than a bowl of popcorn and non-logical, thrilling horror movie? 

So if you agree with all the stupidity, leave a comment below and tell me some not-so-sensible things you noticed when you watched a horror movie! 

Fun fact:
Man passed out watching 'The Exorcist' in 1974 and sued Warner Bros. 

Keep smiling and take care! :) 



  1. :-) Hilarious indeed darling!

    But only people like you watch these stupid horror movies!

    1. I did mention despite the movies lacking common sense, I love watching them. :P

  2. Sensibility and horror movies never go together :-) you are looking for it in the wrong place.

    1. True. Though it did manage to make a good enough blog post. ;)

  3. 100% true. Also even if they are shit scared they all will stay in different rooms. They leave even the baby alone with a baby monitor (remember in Insidious?) :-). Did you watch 'Sinister'? Well written darling. Keep it up.

    1. Yes. I forgot about leaving the baby alone. Not yet. Going to. Thanks. :)
