Saturday 22 March 2014

Fault in Our Stars

To all those book-readers out there, you're in luck today! Some of you probably figured what I was going to talk about by looking at the title. Well, good guess! You are absolutely correct! I'm talking about best-selling novel 'The Fault in Our Stars' by John Greene.

For those of you unfortunate souls that has not heard of the book, well now you've heard of it! And I highly recommend you read it too.

The book is just amazing. It's only 25 chapters long so it won't take much of your time. I finished the book in just a day. [Maybe I'm just really jobless]. I'm sure you might like it. The book is from a cancer patient's perspective named Hazel Grace Lancaster. Obviously, since it has cancer involved in it, it's emotional and very touching. Yes, it's one of those books that leaves you with that 'feeling' after you've read it.

Though, I don't get what the hype was all about. It IS a great book but I guess it was a bit exaggerated. A few may agree to this. I guess it was just the hype that made you expect too much and then when you've finished reading, you realize it's just a simple, beautiful book. Whatever it is, I loved the book and I wanted to share it with you all.

The book was also made into a motion picture. I haven't really watched the movie. I'm afraid the movie may not do justice to the novel. People who have watched movies that were made from novels would understand. [We share a mutual feeling] Though I am a bit curious to see what the movie is like. If you've watched the movie please do tell me.

The amazingly crazy thing is that the author 'John Greene' has written only FOUR novels. One of them named 'Looking for Alaska' turned out be a best-selling book and then came 'Fault in Our Stars'. John Greene is actually a nerdy Youtuber! Which is the most surprising part of it all!

Anyhowsss, I hope you all get yourselves a copy and start reading because it's beautiful. There's a sick urge wanting me to give away a lot of details but I don't  want to spoil it for you. Hope you love the book just as much I did. Feel free to leave a comment telling me your opinion on the book.

Take care and keep smiling! :)


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